Tuesday, July 29, 2008

John McCain: Presidential Cry Baby

Old John McCain goaded Barack Obama into going to the Middle East and Europe to see the lay of the land, talk to world leaders, and visit our troop and commanders. McCain stressed it has been some time since Obama visited Iraq and should return (in lieu of the surge) for a visit and field assessment with the commanders. Obama had already planned a tour to visit with world leaders. It is a trip that backfired on John McCain and put a positive spotlight on Barack Obama.

McCain had his time in the sun with the world leaders including Canada, Mexico and Columbia when he made his world trip a few short weeks ago. His visits resulted in stilted meetings with heads of state, filled with photo ops, lackluster Bush intensity deficient of important news and directions. His meetings were filled with angry, meaningless rhetoric about Obama, lacking spontaneity and appeal. Consequently, the news coverage was dull and uneventful. It was a painfully boring trip to reach out and shore up world support. It did not work.

Nevertheless, the lifeless Republicans lied through their gnarling teeth as they touted McCain's trip as looking presidential, It was not a successful endeavor, nor was it presidential..

Unfortunately, there were leaders McCain did not visit, but should have, the old maverick played it safe. He did not appear presidential, or even senatorial but a tottering old man supported by his surrogate Joe Leiberman. to keep his facts straight. The media and networks shunned his trip for its predictable boring essence of goodwill and substance. McCain communicated very little of his goals and policies for America with the exceptions that surge he profoundly claims is working and we are winning the war in Iraq. It became a litnay of which policies he really stands: winning an unpopular and unwinnable war. On that account he is clearly a "johnny-on-note," far out of tune with American citizens. McCain is a military man with a small margin for success. He does not understand the political aspects. His incredible lack of political understanding makes him dangerous as an American president.

Barack Obama Wows The World

On the other hand, this past week (7.20-7.27.2008) traveling the world stge was a triumph for presidential candidate Barack Obama. He visited Europe, middle East and Iraq. The world welcomed him as he gave eloquent visions of America, cooperation with allies and stressed the time for worldwide change. The week was full of flawless magnatism and adulation for Obama.

In the US, the stunned Republicans watched with angst and envy as Obama stole the stage and media from John McCain by acting personable, knowledgeable and presidential. A sullen McCain could only wish he has accomplished the task as well as Obama. McCain complained bitterly how Obama is acting as if he has already won the presidency. McCain would loved to have the roles reversed. The media covered Obama extensively, hanging on his words and actions. They like Obama and the message of hope and change he brings to the world stage. He made news simply by being there. The people love his charisma. he garnered a crowd of 200,000 in Berlin. He found agreement form the Iraq Prime Minister Maliki for troop withdrawals from Iraq in 16 months. Something McCain has been fighting for several years. Republicans hung on Obama's every word to dissect and use for a political faux paux. They found very little to use but twisted the truth.

John McCain sunk to the epitome of his sleaze referring to Obama as "Willing to lose the war, to win the presidency." Clearly a stupid, spiteful remark that becomes McCain's whining image for which he was soundly repudiated by the press as being over the top, beneath his dignity as a candidate, tactless and lacking in substance.

This candid remark indicates the appalling Republican desperation, and the type of politics McCain will use in his "any means justifies the end" race, and will do and say anything to win. He apparently looks at the presidential race a a full out war. Is winning and pushing the archaic Republican agenda the only focus for McCain? Is this the voice of a maverick, or an angry old man? How can a country trust a man with thi
s little integrity, who is constantly in a political sulk? It is clear by his actions, his thinking and his beliefs are irrational and obsolete.

McCain: The Surge is Political, Understand It Stupid

John McCain accuses Barack Obama of making he surge a political solution. and frankly, it is based on political solutions of established benchmarks by George Bush. It is true there is less violencee in Iraq. There are reasons for it, however none has to do with the surge. It has to do with the basic understanding of the basic premise of the surge is to give the fighting pause for a political, you heard right, a political solution by the Iraqi government. It is a tool and process to buy time for a political solution, not win a war which is an unreal concept and nothing to do with the surge. Nothing!

John McCain can attach any sigfnificance to the surge and winning he desires, it won't make it true. The surge is and always has been based on Iraqi political solutions. If he does not see that aspect, he is way out of touch with the surge policy he voted. But then, John McCain changes his mind when it is expedient to him.

So, why does John McCain keep talking about a military solution and not a political one. All the comanders in the field and Secretary of Defense Gates agree the war cannot be won militarily, and agree peace has to be won via a political solution in the Iraqi political arena, but John McCain doggly postures for a military win. He is obtainate, and will not face the facts. The two concepts are polorized effects.

Al Sadr's Cease Fire Gives Time for the Surge To Work

For well over a year, the most powerful Cleric in Iraq, Motaqada al-Sadr's caustic anti-american rhetoric has been quiet and his Medhi Army, (a force of 100,000 insurgent Shia fighters) have been standing down in al-Sadr's imposed cease fire. This means US troops do not have to combat the 100,000 counter insurgent troops of the Medhi Army. They have faded into the Iraqi sands to re-build, re-organize and re-group.

If we do not have 100,000 Shia insurgents attacking our troops that is very significant, and the violence and casualties are bound to decrease. This is why John McCain claims the surge is working. However, it has very little to do with the surge. Al-Sadr's stand down has a great deal to do with quelling violence in Iraq. The field commanders and General Petraeus in Iraq are aware of the reason, and have testified to the affect before congressional hearings.

Geoge Bush approved the surge force of 20,000 additional combat troops and approximately another 20,000 support troops into Iraq. Since al-Sadr's cease fire which is in effect at the time of this writing, these surge troops incur no major insurgent forces to combat except for Al Qaeda and Sunni insurgent forces. John McCain voted with Bush on the surge forces.

This lull in violence is desire so the Iraqi government and Prime Minister Maliki can reach a political solution to the reunification of Iraq. In the time the surge has been in effect the Maliki government has reached little, or few of the Bush established benchmarks for a political solution. This is the main reason the surge has been a dismal failure.

John McCain's bombastic claims the surge is working because a reduction in violence and casualties is convoluted and is making up a scenario to fit his way of thinking. It is pure McCain bullshit rheftoric, and indicates he does not comprehend why there was
a surge in the first place. Agree, we have fewer casualties in Iraq, but the 20,000 additional boots on the ground has gained next to no Iraqi political solution, which is the original intent, or premise for the surge. It is by all ways of thinking a failure!

John McCain: "I Know How to Fight A War And Win!"

These words have been repeatedly spoken by John McCain in his Town Hall meetings on the presidential campaign. Let me ask, just which war has he recently fought and won.
He was never a strategic planner or a tactician to fight any war? Hell, this ridiculous rhetoric running from the mouth of a man who over Vietnam could not keep his fighter jet in the air, and from being shot down.