Friday, January 30, 2009

Bailouts: Stupid Is As Stupid Does!

The American people knew it was down right stupid for Congress allocate $700 billion (TARP) of their taxpayer money to bailout the failed financial, insurance and mortgage institutions.

They knew it was more than stupid to give Henry Paulsen, Secretary of the Treasurary the lone person to administer the funds, using ability to blindly spend half the money, ($350 billion) where he wanted, without any oversight, at his descretion and his spending cannot be challenged. A sane person has to ask, "Why did congress give this power to one man who came from the same financial industry that he's trying to bailout?" Because he is a loyal Republican and a member of the Bush cabinet?

Are there any reports advising the citizens how much good the money had done? I have not heard any. Those prized institutions on Wall Street are still having problems. Now that Obama is president, the Republicans are fighting not to release the balance of the $350 billion (TARP) funds. Good luck, Obama will get thebalance of the funds and put to good work helping the middle class saving their homes and mortgages. But after the Republicans have done their bloody damage.

Incidently, those institutions that did receive some of the $350 billion did not put them into the economic system. They were very busy putting the money in uncheckable off shore tax havens. Not to mention, the very nicely paid CEO's and CFO's who brought us this crisis were given $18 billion and some chump change as bonuses for a job well done. It is shameful to reward such failure with huge multi-million dollar bonuses for a job well done.

Now who is stupid?

Republicans Tell Americans: "Go to Hell," With Their "O" Votes For Stimulus Package.

It was a clear message Republicans sent America when they voted 244-188 in the House. They did it in party lockstep against President Obama's stimulus package for American recovery. Not a single one had the insight and gumption to vote for America and dissent with their party ideology. In fact the GOP leadership was elated with their Hooverite vote. While it simply infurites the American people.

Ideological, Intellectually and Morally Corrupt
They wear grim faces and talk about bipartisian action. They lie to us, it is just the same bullshit rhetoric from the people who got us in this depression. (It is not a recession any more, that was last year.) Fortunately the Democrates have the votes in the House to pass this program and send it to the Senate. Moreover, the passing gave the Republicans a bitter defeat in the house. The vote allowed the Republicans to show their true color of yellow running down their backs, and just how arrogant cowards can be.

Obviously, the Republicans did not hear, or pay any attention to the people's voice in the recent elections. They do not care what the people think or say. They are decietful men and women who are intellectually, ideology and morally bankrupt and like a child, simply want their own way. They are shameless in their feckless behaviors and thinking. They consistently set themselves and big business ahead of the nation without impunity.

These Republicans are the same folks who begged and voted for a $700 billion bailout for the collapsed financial and mortgage industries. An industry collapse they and the Bush Administration are directly responsible for by their lack of leadership, insight. and oversight of deregulation. They approved the $700 billion to get their friends, lobbyist, and contributors out of financial forfeit. But will not support the rebuilding of America and the middle class lifestyle. However, the pendulum of time and truth is swinging back against them, and it is razor sharp.

Not A single Republican Voted For The Stimulus Package
Now the Democrats under President Obama have a program that will kick start all levels of the American economy and put our feet on the path to recovery. Not a single Republican in the House voted for it. Not one had the courage to do the right thing. Zip, Zero! It is amazing not one, mind you, not a single Republican can think for themselves. They are like lemmings on the edge of a cliff. Bipartisianship is not alive in the American Congress. The Republicans had it their way for the last eight years and still expect to get it. They will not! They do not have the votes for it! They are on the wrong side of the nation's recovery. Still they die hard, and will use the tactic of being the obstructionist and call it loyal opposition. Is this hypocracy to be rewarded

Political Obstructionist
The Republican idea of being a political obstructonist is based on; "If I cannot get what I want, then I will stop you for getting what you want." It is a childish game! Their game plan is to protect their cronies in the financial and business world with a "O" vote! They complain there is too much spending. This is the logic of people who brought us record deficits and trillions in national debt!

How many billions did they spend on their trumped up Iraq war? Can anyone please explain the benefits to the country, or the ravaged middle class for the little six-year fiasco? The Republican mantra was to spend, spend, spend on their pet projects and Americans can go to hell if they don't like. And we did, our economy is paying the price for their Republican gamesmanship! Now we are fighting for recover from the Republican lies and horrific leadership blunders. The Republicans had the votes in Congress to block any good Democratic ideas. Now they do not have those vital votes

How does the old saying go ... "Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me." Change is here, and so is the screwing cycle!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Is the Congress Out Of Their Minds: Bailed Out Financial Firms Take The Money And Run

It was a forgone conclusion for most Americans, the people in charge of the $700 billion bail out were of the same ilk, crooked and greedy people that brought down the financial institutions on Wall Street. The American people understood they would do all in their power to bail out their unscrupulous associates in crime to become their money saviors and save their own petty asses in the bargain. The likes of their fellow conspiritors are: AIG, Lehman, Bear/Stearns Citigroup Inc, JPMorganChase &Co., and Bank of America. Of course, there are some heavy hitters like Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae going unscathed and taking little responsibility in the financial and mortgage debacle. Plenty of money flowed from the corporate Board rooms into Republican coffers. The fix was definitely in.

No Controls, No Oversight.
Henry Paulsen, Secretary of the Treasuary wanted no controls on bail out spending, and would offer no oversight to as to how these funds are to be spent during the financial bail out's process. He was literally given free reign to decide on who got the money, how much, and how it was spent. His decisions could not be challenged. The American people looked for leadership and footed the bill is left screwed, and thanked with a typical one finger salute.

Take The Money And Run
Sadly each of these financial firms simply took the bail out money and ran to their nearest off shore tax haven. They all have them waiting for a cash infux. AIG received the greatest amount of funding with $150 billion. No investigations were made on the status and depth of the financial firm's off shore accounts because they are untouchable! We simply have no idea how much money is sequestered in these legal off shore tax havens. None!

Congress is Fearful To Do The Right Thing
Congress was afraid to let the kingpin financial institutions fail and fall on their fat butts causing financial chaos on Wall Street since the Great Depression of the 1930's. The Republicans fought tooth and nail for their business buddies and got their way.

The Democrats weaseled and caved in as the Republicans threatened a fraudulent doomsday scenario while postering as saviors. The Democrats in their usual frenzy to help, and do some good could not typically get their heads out of their asses to see any truth and daylight. Congress voted to throw $350 billion down a financial rat hole for big business bail outs. The Republicans had the votes to have their way.

The American taxpayers got their salute as a paultry thank you, and everything was hushed up...until Barack Obama was elected as a new Democratic President.

Obama Is Applalled
President-elect Barack Obama is appalled at the insane congressional antics of bailing out the financial and mortgage firms while doing nothing for the middle classes. Once he is president, he vows insight, strict oversight controls, and will use the remaining $350 billion to help the middle classes who are incredibly hurt by financial and mortgage institution's colossal failure and greed. The clock is ticking. The Republicans are posturing as obstructionists and protectionists again. But, this time they do not have the votes.