Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why Tiger: When You Had So Much?

Let me say that Tiger Woods with his alleged affairs has broken no laws, but, has behaved in a very immoral manner for an athlete role model. It is clear Tiger has many distorted, or mistaken beliefs, and acts out on them because he deeply believes he deserves them as rewards for his outstanding golf performance, and will not be caught in his unsavory behavior.

Poor Tiger Woods, the narcissistic man surly appears to be a control freak, evidenced by the setting up of a public apolpgy that aired nation wide. Once again, Tiger was going to have it his way. And the media once again were gleefully sucked into his game plan. Is this really national news? It is doubtful if Tiger Woods is really sorry, except that his wife caught him cheating on her, confronted him, and the media unraveled his sordid lifestyle publicly.

He has spent a very short time in therapy, being a quick learner, he was there just long enough to learn the vernacular of therapy with impact words and terms like: "responsible, sorry, hurt my family, contrition and change."

Tiger Woods claims his affairs is a problem between he and his wife, and he is probably right, it is a family matter. However, why is he apologizing to the world with a publicity stunt on national television?

The problem is, Tiger Woods is sorry that he has been exposed for the immoral person he is, and his sordid behavior has been made known to the masses. All this hype is for two reasons. What Tiger Woods really wants is to play competitive golf again, and to regain his sponsors (the money factor).

The way he set up his bland apology on national television, seems to indicate he is still a controlling person. He believes he is a victim, and not another immoral and dysfunctional athlete who is exposed. If he desires to maintain this charade, perhaps Tiger should have acting lesson on his agenda.

Yet, every man is fully entitled to change, however to do it, core beliefs that led to dysfunctional behaviors must be exposed and challenged. This is not easy to do. It is a journey that takes courage and hard introspection. We wish him well on his journey. He is the world's greatest golfer.

Friday, February 12, 2010

How Can We Have A Free Market Economy If We Subsidize Industries

The US Government uses taxpayers money to subsidize and incredible number of industries like: Petroleum, Insurance, Tobacco, and Financial industries. Not to mention the Farm and Lumber industries. If it is an American industry, it is subsidized somewhere along the line and their competitive edge and the desire to excel is taken from them with free government money. And, there is a well heeled army of lobbyist at work in Washington making sure corruption occurs.

We support a drug industry to help sell narcotics addicting our people on a drug, (Nicotine) for a lifetime of addiction. Yet, we have laws against selling marijuana in every state of the union. Then in crease the prices of a pack of cigarettes hoping to stop the addiction. Why are we subsidizing this industry? It makes no sense. However, it is a huge industry, big business, and their lobbyist control the legislation with their money, power, and corruption. That is why!

How can we have the morals to do this, how can we claim we have a free market exchange when the competitive field is not level, because some industries receive a an unfair advantage by lucrative government subsidizes. And most legislators do not have the guts to make selling a narcotic like nicotine, or its use against the law no matter what the delivering mechanism.

We will not have a "free market economy" as long as subsidies are offered to favored industries and pushed by their lobbyist, Senators and Representatives in their states. Intill subsidies are not given by the government, the talk of a "free market economy" is just bullshit in a nice wrapping of pure rhetoric.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wake Up America: Democracy Does Not Live In Washington

Wake up America, President Obama is stuck with Republicans who do not want any part of 'Bipartisanship'. He is also saddled with a group of Democrats who think and believe their constituents have sent them to Washington to vote their conscience and personal ideology. They do not care what the people want. They vote with the lobbyist who will grease their palm with cash, and more cash. And forget the common man or woman.

When we have votes in the Senate, the Republicans vote in lockstep against the bill. Not a single Republican Senator will defect, and vote for Democratic bills like Health Care or the President's Jobs program. It is a despicable political action. They do not do your work but the lobbyists.

Don't Wast Your Time
It is a waste of time Mr. President to attempt any wooing, or political conversion of any Republican attention to the real needs of this Nation and its people. They are idealogues who succor on greed, lies, power, deception and corruption from the special interest business groups. They can care less about our country, they have an agenda and goal of a world dominated by business. In the process, they are doing away with democracy and the Middle Class of this Nation. We will have only the rich and the poor. And they have been at it for the last ten years right under our trusting noses.

The Constitution Is Not Their Paradigm
The Republicans talk at great length about the Constitution and Conservatism in the same breath. Their mouths are foul and filled with tainted, deceptive and untrue rhetoric. They speak one way and vote another. Who was in power to run this nation into the brink of financial ruin and collapse? They use the Constitution only when it is convenient to further their cause as the Supreme Court did when they recently voted 5-4 to allow corporations unlimited funding for political candidates they pick and are of like persuasion and ideology. That ruling gave corporations the same voice as individuals, as you and I, but louder and and unlimited bankroll to buy and sell any Republican to their cause. Pathetic!

Wake up America, hold your polititicans accountable for your values, not their conscience or ideologies. Hold them to what you want done in Congress for the good of the Nation, and not Wall Street, or Insurance Companies. If they do not do the will of the people, then get them out of office. Those politicians are charming, slippery weasels, they will lie straight faced to you, and give their allegiance, and their vote for sale to the highest bidder. They are manipulators for big business. It is time we took our country back from the charming weasel mouthed bastards! Vote the out!

They are sent to Washington to vote for what you, the people want done, not Wall
Street, Insurance companies, or Mortgage firms or Financial intitutions. Watch them, Republican or Democrat. Hold them accountable to do what is best for the nation...and not themselves. They are not smarter than you, they just think they are.