"I know veterans, I know them well, and I know that they know that I'll take care of them, and I have been proud of their support and their recognition of my service to the veterans, and I love them, and I'll take care of them and they know I'll take care of them."
That statement was in a national debate between Barack Obama and John McCain, and infuriated veterans across America. It was a political lie by John McCain in lieu of his horrible support of veteran's issues. It is bullshit, and the veterans know it, and are pissed about being used as his political pawn.
Here is McCain's record on Troop and Veterans Issues
- Veterans groups give McCain failing grades McCain received a 20% rating on his voting record on veteran's issues.
- Voted against increased funding for veteran's health care .(3.29.07)
- Voted 28 times against veteran's benefits, including health care benefits.
- Voted against giving automatic cost-of-living adjustments to veteran's.(11.20.91)
- Voted to underfund Department of Veteran's Affairs.(9.27.95)
- Voted against $13 billion increase in funding for veterans programs. (5.16.96)
- Voted against 47 billion increase for veteran's programs. (10.15.99)
- Voted against $51 billion in veteran's funding. (11.8 01 & 8.02.01)
- Voted against 122 billion for Department of veteran's affairs. (11.12.03)
- Voted against $500 million for counseling services for veteran's mental health disorders.(11.17.05)
- Voted against an assure funding stream for veterans health care. he opposed it taking into account annual changes in veterans population and inflation. (3.16.06)
- Voted against an assured funding stream of veteran's health care. McCain was one of 13 Republicans to vote against providing and additional 430 million to the Department of Veteran's Affairs for outpatient care. (4.26.06)
- Supported outsourcing VA jobs, many held by blue-collar veterans. (9.6.07)
- Voted against the 21st Century GI Bill, saying it was too generous. (5.22.08)
- McCain co-sponsored the "Use of Force Authorization" to invade Iraq. (10.3.02)
- Voted against increased spending on TRICARE and giving greater access to National Guard and Reservist. (3.25.03)
- Voted against holding Bush accountable for the Iraq war. (7.16.03)
- Voted against establishment of $1 billion Trust Fund for military health facilities.(2.2.06)
- Voted against the ending of over-extension of the military (mandatory down time between tours of duty.) (7.11.07)
- McCain argued Saddam was a "threat of the first order." 2.13.03)
- Said the US would be in Iraq for a short time and "win easily." (MSNBC 1.22.03)
When McCain talks about how he supports the veterans, he is a political liar, lying through this teeth to curry the veteran's vote. His votes and opposition in the Senate prove he is a liar.
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