Americans have had enough time in the past seven years to observe and learn from George Bush's outlandish behaviors and insensitive words spewing from his smirking mouth. We have witnessed his incredible lack of conscience and caring. He is a narcissist and sociopath, a leader that does not take responsibility for his decisions and actions. He never says, "I'm sorry," or "I was wrong." George Bush views these words as a sign of weakness.
When George Bush was asked to name any mistakes he made since becoming president, he said he could not remember any. Does this sound familiar?
While Bush does not reflect having a superior intellect, he simply does not recognize its abstract qualities and tends to dismiss it entirely, unless his intellectual sycophants suck up to him in agreement or provide demanded attention. Bush yearns for flattery that reinforces his image of grandiosity. He is a skillful social player and is quite aware his greatest positive trait is being congenial, utilizing this trait at very in appropriated times and places to the point embarrassment of a faux pas. He does these unfortunate behaviors because he is not intellectually sound, and wants to make everyone into a "buddy" giving him a false sense of security. He considers them cute and affable.
Psychiatrist Jerrold Post, M.D., founder of the CIA's Center of the Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior states, "The leader who cannot adapt to external realities because he adheres to an internally programmed life script...has displaced his private needs upon the state."
Applied psychoanalysis is a tool and discipline used by intelligence agencies to identify personally distortions and predict political behavior through development of sophisticated psychological profiles on world leaders.
Sounds like George Bush is a rather predictable fellow, his behaviors bear it out. And people, especially other world leaders have a detailed psychological file on him and his history. They know his predictability and how to use it.
Although lacking the data and direct doctor-patient interaction, such as analysis, Dr. Justin Frank, Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, George Washington University, has applied the dicipline's methods of of observation, body language, behaviors and statements to identify some personality distortions as attributed to George W. Bush.
A lifelong "sense of entitlement" has been exhibited by Bush, described by Washington psychoanalyst Justin Frank, M.D. Specifically, Bush feels and acts entitled to disregard the laws, rules and expectations governing ordinary people. He believes he is above it.
Bush is an obsessive, rogue president with a national outlaw ethic, as seen in his flagrant disrespect of US signed treaties on global warming and nuclear proliferation. He refuses to support any efforts for an International Court. While this behavior fits his romanticized American outlaw image, it is an adolescent response in need of intellectual complex adult solutions.
Bush has legendary difficulties with language to avoid meaningful communications, he clouds or defuses meanings for tactical concealment. Since he is unable to communicate in normal ways, hewill use language as a manipulative tool--to attack, discredit, dismiss, distract and control, rather than communicate.
Dr Frank observes, "He may seem decisive, but his behavior represents the fall-back position of someone trying to manage the anxiety and not being able to think clearly."
Many observers have witnessed him violating a common principle to all societies, he feels entitled to lie without guilt or impunity. He claims exemption from the laws of personal responsibility. "I don't feel I owe anybody an explanation," he told journalist Bob Woodward.
Bush's smirk--one of his key characteristic expressions concerns his political handlers and observers is an indication of pervasive sadism. This smirk reveals a perverted pleasure in inflicting pain or defeat in others while attempting to suppress an overt expression of his internal pleasure.
George Bush is a profoundly angry, destructive man who in Dr. Frank's words, "needs to break things." Breaking a nation is not beyond his realm of distorted thinking.
"The evidence suggests that behind Bush's exterior operates a powerful, but obscure delusional system that drives his behavior," concludes Dr. Frank. Bush's grandiosity has been projected on our nation. His megalomaniac narcissism and lack of ego boundaries translates into a vision of imposing "Freedom" throughout the world, desired or not! Anyone opposing his childish motives is considered the enemy. Remember when Bush said,"If you are not with us, you are against us!"
When the Soviet Union collapsed, the Washington Neocons, as Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Feith, Perls, and Abrams resurrected the 19th Century's grandiose concepts of the right of America to impose ourselves and policies on others. they will use any perceived or manufactured threat such as terror as a rallying point. This criteria meets and fits well within Bush's megalomania.
In Dr. Frank's judgment, "The enterprise he is poised to add to his history of failures is the future of our nation. Our collective denial helped put him in that position. Our sole treatment option--for his benefit and outs is to remove him from office...before it is too late."
We cannot un-ring the bell. it is too late. We are now stuck with damage control! For the past seven years, our politicians have let this nation down by the lack of a serious effort for Bush and Cheney impeachment. Shame on you Washington Republicans and Democrats! Most of you do not deserve the loyalty and power the American people have given you. Precious few had the courage to talk about impeachment. Those of you in Washington who did not act, are as guilty as George Bush for the conditions of our country, and its reputation with foreign leaders. Why did you do nothing and allow the status quo?
For additional detailed information on Bush's mental health by two noted psychiatrists check
Thursday, February 21, 2008
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