It's a serious question!
Hillary Clinton and other members of congress did not give George Bush the tacit approval, or their vote to wage war on Iraq. Though it is referred to as the "Iraq War Resolution." She and other Democrats thought the idea of a war with Iraq was replusive, insane and dead against it. There were few in congress who did not trust Bush and refused to give their sanctions. Praise to them. For those who gave their vote for the resolution, Bush could not be trusted, he purposfully misled them. That vote was their mistake, and their trust was very human.
They gave Bush their vote, with UN sanctions to pursue inspections in Iraq for concealed weapons of mass destruction. She and the other Democrats gave Bush the approval to send inspectors into Iraq searching for the controversial charge of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, This was the purpose of the resolution, the White House said they would not deviate from this cited position. Senator Chuck Hagel who helped draft the resolution said, "It was not a vote for war." Bush arrogantly abused their sanctions given in good faith for inspectors, and adamatly claimed it was a vote for him to go to war. He did what he wanted, and thumbed his nose at us defiantly.
Colin Powell, a usually tranquil voice in the State Department told us weapons of mass destruction were in Iraq in his fateful UN and on national TV. The suppositions and leap of reality were so incredulous a child could see through them. He did not make the case for Americans.
Hillary gave Bush this vote or sanction because she trusted him to do what he said and given his word to her privately. She and the other Democrats are not naive, far from it. However now, she does not trust George Bush to live up to his word. He lied to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats who gave their sanction.
Not only did Bush lie to the Democrats and congress, he seduced and pressured a good, respected man, Colin Powell to make an audacious presentation for the war nationally. Colin Powell has not recouped his prestige from his Neocon seduction. He resented being used and consequently resigned his cabinet post as Secretary of State. Bush quickly appointed the pliable Condoleezza Rice to succeed him.
Bush on national TV lied to the nation, and took us to a Rumsfeld/Cheney preplanned war under false pretexts and colours. There is no shame in his game. He will say anything: use anyone to get what he wants.
What is really painful is our Republican leaders go lock step with the Bush war concept and lie to us without impunity or conscience. They use Federal Departments like the CIA and Pentagon to cherry pick and create information, carefully crafting it to suit their needs.
Remember Vice President Dick Cheney told "I know for certain Iraq was behind the 9/11 attack." He also told us he knew exactly where the weapons of mass destruction were located in Iraq. Why didn't he tell the inspectors? Both comments proved to be untrue and set us up for the invasion of Iraq, which is exactly what the Neocons were planning.
We believe them because we want to believe our leaders word. We like to think their "word" is held as a sacred trust. Would they lie or be untruthful? Yes, as we have seen, in a heartbeat. When they do, President or Vice President, we will see through it, and if we are smart, we will never trust them again. Shame on us for taking seven years to figure it out. However, that is what an Imperial president does. He fools, threats, misleads and cajoles the people with his megalomaniac power and control. Our crippled nation is seeing the results.
When we cannot trust our leaders to have a transparent government, do the work of the people, it is time to dramatically throw them out of office with our vote, and hold the accountable with impeachment. It may be rough and painful to our nation, but is is the only message of responsibility they understand. And, it demonstrates to the world, we will only tolorate leaders of quality in a transparent government who do the people's will and work. Otherwise, we get the government we deserve.