Get serious America! How long do the Republicans think they can rape our minds and national treasure before in bites them in the proverbial arse?
It appears seven years is the magic Neocon number of total Republican government ineptness and arrogance towards the American people. will be tolerated. These are the insolent people who declared war on the middle class, promptly forgetting them while giving the biggest tax break in history to the wealthy and corporations.
These are the Washington Neocons who bled this nation's treasure and our youth with an unwanted, mindless war in Iraq, and have not provided sensible/workable policies to resolve the catastrophic immigration problem. These are the audacious people who continuously put our nation, and our children's future up for hock by borrowing incredible sums of money from other nations like China and Saudi Arabia. They have made us a serious debtor nation!
They secretly promoted torture, like water-boarding, gave us Gitmo, Abu Ghrab, and secret black opp prisons outside the US for torturing so called enemies. Then claim is is a figment our our imagination and do not exist. Remember they said: "America does not torture!." The photos prove that is a lie. Recently, the CIA was directed to erase video tapes of interrogations where water-boarding torture is being performed.
These are the folks who for their convenience suspended out the Constitution, threw out Habeas Corpus, warrantless wire taps, and established the right to open US Mail. they are responsible for the incredible abuse of help and abandonment of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, their Homeland Security fiasco, the exorbitant civilian contractors and the aggressive Blackwater cowboys in Iraq. And remember how with baseless , untrue oratory, they tried to frighten our people with continuous fear rants and conceited threats of preemptive war strikes to Iran ( a sovereign nation) over their nuclear programs. Even had their presidential candidate, a laughing John McCain worked up singing, "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!" on national TV to the old Beach boys tune of Barbara Ann.
Don't let your memories be so short, these are the people in power who brought us the stonewalling of Don Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby and Alberto Gonzales, and then shoved them down our throats until we gagged.
These are the power brokers who instituted outrageous public policies bringing our country the crushing economic and financial crisis in the housing market with the tentacles of a global recession emanating from our shores.
When you buy $3.00 a gallon gas, guess who brought you those wonderful record prices? When Clinton left office, gas was about $1.25 a gallon.
The Republicans refused to regulate institutions and critical markets that fostered deficit spending, bringing us to our insolvent knees forcing us with an unsustainable $13 trillion dollar economy.
These are the people who for the sake of a personal Neocon ideology broke this rich nation. And now, they want the Democrats to reach across the aisle and make nice with a $145 billion bailout package. A package that will do very little for our hemorrhaging economy brought about by the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market and Wall Street capitalists.
It is a Republican administration fraught with a litany of remarkable failures and lies from their first day in office. Remember what the Neocons have done to this country instituting reckless, irresponsible fiscal policies of the past seven years, leading to a trade deficit of over $6 trillion contributing to the worldwide plunge in the value of the US dollar.
Their bailout package is hardly a cure-all for our recession. It may ease the pain of some with the one time tax rebate. When those funds are spent are shortly spent by the consumers. What happens next, a stern request for additional funds? Their proposed $145 billion is money we do not have. It will be a short term band aid for a gaping wound causing deeper gashes in our financial and economic injuries. The Republican Neocons are not about to belly up, be responsible for their enormous collapse of a broken government.
And now, the Republicans want to make nice and act fast to cover their devious tracks. America, do not buy into it! If anything, it will be late spring before checks are in the mail. And then, it may be of little help.
They will sucker the Democrats in the House to do their pathetic pandering across the aisle to develop a bipartisan Republican bailout program that will do little to prevent , much less or even ride out the recession. This bailout in the House will have little imprint from the Democrats, the Republicans know they have the votes to block anything they want. They are not about to give the Democrats anything of real value.
America do not buy it! Let the Republicans be responsible. We should allow them to solve the mess they made and saddled us with on their tenure. Unfortunately, if we did, they would exacerbate the problem, fanning the fires of Republican failures. Giving tax rebates to the high income families from $150 to $300 thousand a year income is Republican ploy, when the money is really needed by the lower and middle class who can immediately put it into our economy. Our precious nation is caught between a political rock and a hard place!
However, there is hope the Senate Democrats will balk, want to develop and produce a realistic stimulus policy and programs structured to the lower and middle class, senior citizens, food stamps, and extended unemployment, programs with meat that immediately attacks the problem, cutting deep into solving this country's repulsive financial ills. Hopefully, it will be programs taking the job far beyond being a stupid Republican band aid for a mortal wound.
It has reached the point when the dogs of anger are barring their teeth and ready to bite. Bare up Neocons. Your time has come.