When the Democrats are jockeying for position as to who will be the party nominee, they should all not forget to keep their eye on the prize...The White House!
All the Democratic candidates have strengths and weaknesses. It does the candidates no good to fight among themselves, squabbling with mean spirited name calling.rhetoric. They should be above that and take the high road, respecting the others perspectives They all agree this country desperately needs major changes in direction. Each candidate brings excellent ideas and programs on how to do make those changes.
John Edwards offers a clear personal passion for the middle class. He has fervor and compassion from this well remembered roots. John has the ability to fight for people. He has taken on corporate America like Insurance and Pharmaceutical companies, doing it all his adult life, and has been quite successful. He knows the law and how to use it. John Edwards knows the plight of the middle class and understands it. Has served as a Senator, and knows his way around the halls of Congress.
Hillary Clinton is the first woman running for president, a national phenom in that sense. She has been a first lady in the White House, and a well respected Senator from New York. Hillary has been an effective fighter for many causes since she graduated from law school . She is skilled, has the ability and know-how to get things accomplished by reaching out crossing the aisle to the Republicans. Many consider Hillary an Washington insider, it can be a mistake, she has the knowledge, but not the moral destitute of an insider. She is a very strong, popular Senator from New York.
Barack Obama is the first black man to run for president, he has the fire and the language to move people. His use of language is engaging, often stunning. He offers programs similar to the other candidates. He motivates young people to rise to the cause. He has passion and wants change so bad he can taste it. Barack is the voice of change, He is a first term Senator from Illinois. Barack would be doing the Democratic party and himself a great good if he provided more information about how he would accomplish his programs.
The Democrats have astute and well qualified candidates, anyone of them would be an excellent president, many superior in cabinet positions.. The goal is not to beat up on each other with cynical vilification and pettiness. We are beyond these tawdry exercises. I ask the candidates to bring out what they will do for America and how will do it? What type of people they will have as vice president and cabinet members. After all, we are electing a political culture with policies and procedures to run this country. Let us see your choices.of people. Stop beating up on each other. Keep your eyes on the prize...the White House! It is yours to lose.