For years Representative Ron Paul, Republican presidential candidate has been outspoken about the problems, and direction of the country. Ron Paul speaks with dedicated passion and fervor about identifying and solving America's ills. He has been a painful thorn in the side of the Neocon Bush Republicans who consider themselves as ultra Conservatives. Ron Paul considers himself a Conservative and a Constitutionalists, his views and questions show it. They do not like his consistent responses and discussions he provides about Republican so called Conservative politicians not respecting Conservatism, or the Constitution.
In a recent debate, I watched as the Neocon FOX reporters baited Paul with questions. He gave them answers the clearly did not like or appreciate. but the people in the audience did judging by the vociferous audience response. Here is some Ron Paul answers Republicans clearly do not want to hear.
Do away with the income tax, get rid of CIA and NSA, stop spying on the citizens. Return American's their civil liberties, get out of Iraq, we do not have the right to invade a sovereign country, so stop the invasions of them and stop the fanatic war rhetoric about Iran. Stop raiding Social Security and keep it solvent. Balance the budget, and above all, cut the outrageous Neocon spending and borrowing from nations that has made us toothless tigers and put America on the brink of insolvency, becoming a severe debtor nation in the eyes of the world. Why the price of oil is teetering on $100 a barrel, and what will be its impact on our economy? He would like to see Congress curtail and control imports from China without any check and product safeguards . Ron Paul would like us to adhere to the Constitution and it principals. Sounds like things Americans would like to have done.
The FOX panel of questioners appeared perplexed, and quickly cut him off by switching to another candidate.
Ron Paul asks important questions all Americans want to know the answers. Why we have a broken Mexican Border? How did it get broken? Why the Republican Neocon's in control of Congress have done nothing about securing the border in the past seven years? The Republicans agree that Washington is broken. However, Neocon Conservatives have no claim to breaking Washington. They did little, and let it fall apart. In fact, few Republicans take any accountability for the woeful state of America. they will never admit the government became broken on their watch because they were seduced by their own importance of political power and control.
Sadly, we will never hear the media political observers ask these questions of the Republican candidates. However, listen to the Democrat candidates, they ask the questions all the time, and have put forth solution not simply empty rhetoric.
Why should Americans elect, and re-elect people to Congress who have done their utmost to weaken and destroy our country? Think about it Representative Paul, maybe, just maybe you might be in the wrong party!