Then came the the local and national political candidates, campaigns, and their humongous media budgets, followed by the pandering media, dollar signs bulging in their eyes. feeding their insatiable greed. The media is well aware political advertising kicks in very high dollars nationwide. It comes from mega-millions of dollars from the Democrats and Republicans spend on fueling their campaigns. The media wants their share, they have the only game in town, so what if they have to make some ethics adjustments to allow for distortions of information and truth to be broadcast over the airwaves by ambiguous statements, even character assassination by lies and innuendos. They get their share of the political coffers...and it is all CASH. Politicians cannot buy on credit as GE or General Motors. it is cash up front...or no playtime. The media is not going to be stuck for the money of a failed politician's program. They love them, but not that much.
When it comes to the political campaigns, the media threw out the truth in advertising concept. The politicos unfortunately, can say, and do anything they want. There is a hypocritical aspect of the media jaded for the sake of greed, that equates to big dollars. When it comes to political advertising, the consumer has no protection. They are alone, the have to see and review the advertising in their own minds. They have to ferret through the slick grinning candidates faces telling outright lies, distortions and innuendos the politicians spew over the airwaves in their commercial advertising. They have to find truth. One aspect of political campaigns the media, the candidates, their strategists should remember, "The politicians need the media as a communications tool to the reach masses nationally, regionally and locally. They have the prized demographics to deliver the message. " Why can't they hold the candidates to honest and truthful messages as they do American's corporations in their advertising.
But wait a minute here, aren't we talking about distorted information being sent to the minds of our people? Where is the media's professional integrity? Why does the media not care about the political corruption of our minds, and the deliberate, and willing agreement to tacitly allow it to occur? What happened to the the truth in advertising concept? Why shouldn't the media hold the politicos to higher standards as they do Chrysler, General Mills, or Monsanto?
Is greed and profits so prevalent, the media mimics other businesses that do not care about the quality and competitive nature of their product? Has their greed out ranked their responsibility to manage their product with integrity? Has greed seduced the media so badly, they have lost their ethics of business practices.? When will the media say; "Enough is enough, we have professional integrity, responsibility to our viewers and readers. Truth means more than profits."
Of course, it will happen after the election frenzy is over, and the big political dollars have dried up. The media will return to truth in advertising and business as usual. But, wouldn't it be refreshing if the political candidates were held to telling the truth, shunning the lies, deceptions, distortions of their accomplishments, and the incessant character assassinations.