If you have watched the political arena unfolding over the past several months, and how can you get away from them? The media reporters are eagerly trying to be strategists and and Sooth-Sayers for the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates.
All to often, they have been wrong in their sooth-saying and appear to really know very little of the candidates inside strategy. The media reporters like us to believe they have have an inside track on the candidates, their thinking, behaviors, and feelings. They do not! It is clear the voting in New Hampshire showed reporters and political observers were caught up in their own rationalization, and severely lacked professional insight and knowledge, even the ability to keep their mouths shut when they don't know, but are guessing.
I witnessed one respected commentator on MSNBC lecturing to his panel of experts on what Hillary Clinton should be doing, and what her problems are, and how to be more likable. I frankly never knew, or considered Hillery was not electable or likable, until the reporters and political observers started saying it. Then, I was sure she was electable and likable.
One reporter for CNN recently questioned Hillary's moment of humanity when she talked to the people as being contrived. Any person with the smallest amount of understanding could see, it was a sensitive moment when Hillary Clinton showed she was a fatigued, vulnerable human being in a personal moment relating to her audience. The interview with the people was shown over and over again labeled as: "Hillary's Emotional Breakdown!" A sad commentary on that particular network.
We should remember, these candidates Democrats and Republicans are people with all the humanity of people. Several of them are on a grinding schedule that would give mental pause for the most courageous of us. We do not have to agree with them but, give them tribute for their tiring effort. Listen with an open mind to what they say, do they have viable programs contributing to solving America's economy crisis, immigration, health care, Privacy issues, civil liberties, Iraq War, mortgage crisis, education of our people, Iran, Social Security and Medicare. What do they think about our being either in, or on the brink of a recession? What is their position on the Constitution as a governing document? Do the candidates provide the cogent details of what they offer, and how they will get the money to pay for it.
Many politicians like to talk in generalities of what they say, they will do, or actions we need to take. Listen to hear if they are talking to you, or courting a base. If they can't give you details of their plans and solutions, they aren't risking anything. It is all rhetoric to suck us in emotionally, but no answers. Above all, we know the media's political bias. So what, they are the talking "Yes people" of the base, and often are wrong. Listen to the candidates, and do not allow reporters to interpret what the candidates say using their particular spin.
The American people had seven years of a president and his rogue Neocon administrations not hearing the voice of the people, and doing what they want. The American people do not want the experience again.
Let the candidates speak for themselves. We can hear, think and see behaviors for our self. We should not require anyone to interpret for us, especially the failed sooth-Sayers of the media.