Wednesday, October 22, 2008

McCain Lies About His Veteran's Support

September 26, 2008, John McCain said the following:

"I know veterans, I know them well, and I know that they know that I'll take care of them, and I have been proud of their support and their recognition of my service to the veterans, and I love them, and I'll take care of them and they know I'll take care of them."

That statement was in a national debate between Barack Obama and John McCain, and infuriated veterans across America. It was a political lie by John McCain in lieu of his horrible support of veteran's issues. It is bullshit, and the veterans know it, and are pissed about being used as his political pawn.

Here is McCain's record on Troop and Veterans Issues
  • Veterans groups give McCain failing grades McCain received a 20% rating on his voting record on veteran's issues.
  • Voted against increased funding for veteran's health care .(3.29.07)
  • Voted 28 times against veteran's benefits, including health care benefits.
  • Voted against giving automatic cost-of-living adjustments to veteran's.(11.20.91)
  • Voted to underfund Department of Veteran's Affairs.(9.27.95)
  • Voted against $13 billion increase in funding for veterans programs. (5.16.96)
  • Voted against 47 billion increase for veteran's programs. (10.15.99)
  • Voted against $51 billion in veteran's funding. (11.8 01 & 8.02.01)
  • Voted against 122 billion for Department of veteran's affairs. (11.12.03)
  • Voted against $500 million for counseling services for veteran's mental health disorders.(11.17.05)
  • Voted against an assure funding stream for veterans health care. he opposed it taking into account annual changes in veterans population and inflation. (3.16.06)
  • Voted against an assured funding stream of veteran's health care. McCain was one of 13 Republicans to vote against providing and additional 430 million to the Department of Veteran's Affairs for outpatient care. (4.26.06)
  • Supported outsourcing VA jobs, many held by blue-collar veterans. (9.6.07)
  • Voted against the 21st Century GI Bill, saying it was too generous. (5.22.08)
  • McCain co-sponsored the "Use of Force Authorization" to invade Iraq. (10.3.02)
  • Voted against increased spending on TRICARE and giving greater access to National Guard and Reservist. (3.25.03)
  • Voted against holding Bush accountable for the Iraq war. (7.16.03)
  • Voted against establishment of $1 billion Trust Fund for military health facilities.(2.2.06)
  • Voted against the ending of over-extension of the military (mandatory down time between tours of duty.) (7.11.07)
  • McCain argued Saddam was a "threat of the first order." 2.13.03)
  • Said the US would be in Iraq for a short time and "win easily." (MSNBC 1.22.03)
Clearly John McCain is a military man who is eager for war, and does not support the warriors who fight it. He considers them as fodder in his egomanic desire to win his last hurrah. He does not support the troops with anything...and that includes money. If he did, he would never have advocated for this insane war and send our troops in harms way for an unjust cause. He would use his stature as a senator to take care of our warriors and their families. He does not!!

When McCain talks about how he supports the veterans, he is a political liar, lying through this teeth to curry the veteran's vote. His votes and opposition in the Senate prove he is a liar.

Friday, October 10, 2008

John McCain and Sarah Palin: The duo falters and screams like children

Winning At Any Cost
John McCain the elitist, is clearly an empty old man, acting as a Republican bully. His face and body language shows discontent and anger welling up in his baggy body. He is out of touch with his constituents, society, America and the world at large.

He and his running mate, Sarah Palin flagrantly show their disdain for the American people. Their affected behaviors and thinking indicate exactly what type of perverse administration they would have. They place their integrity, (McCain does not have any left,) truth, and honesty on the line, resorting to outright lying, deception, deceit, name-calling, innuendo, and using vile sleaze tactics that do not ingratiate the to the voters...except the choir. This duo falters and screams like children throwing a temper tantrum. It is classic Republican bullshit and the voters searching for 'how to" information and positions from the candidates know it. However, they speak to the delight to the Washington Neocons!

Palin is Dumb, But She is Mine
John McCain is pleased to allow Sarah Palin's shrill voice to do his dirty work. She does it willingly. He uses her for his agenda, not caring an iota if she gathers tarnish as an egomaniac airhead. The folksy 'babe,' the media claims, does not have a functioning brain in her skull.

She is ignorant of governmental and international facts. She could not track intelligent conversations and queries from Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson. She gets perplexed when the media asks questions that she does not have a clue what they are talking about, (EG: the Bush Doctrine) but, makes up childish, jibberish responses, or simply avoids answering the question. Poor Thing! While her mouth moves, she does not have a hint of what she is saying or it's impact. However, she winks as if she knows. It is her flirty affect to distract the audience and the media. But she likes the the low ball, no brainer, no substance questions from the FOX Neocon henchmen.

Power Trip
In a few short weeks in the limelight's glow, Palin has morphed into a Dick Cheney wantabee. Like Cheney, she is mystified with the trappings of VP power. This contrary little miss advocates and supports Alaska's secession from the US, will pursue and usurp more power for herself and be further corrupted in the process.

McCain of the Past is Not the Same Today
The John McCain of the past was a honorable man with marginal scrupples. Today, John McCain us a scared, lackluster man with a violent temper and devoid of conscious or restraint. He has stooped to new lows by running a dishonorable campaign. He is the proverbial attack dog focused on the willful character assassination of Barack Obama. He has little substance in his proffered programs. McCain claims he has a congressional record the media can check. However, it too is a record of deception, voting one way for a bill and voting against the bill when it comes to the Senate floor. It is a serious record of flip-flopping and voting for his lobbyist friends agenda. In addition, of course, there is the famous S&L fiasco about the Keating 5 with McCain getting a free pass from any prosecution. He escaped with a Senate censure, and is the only one involved in the Keating 5 scandal to avoid Federal prosecution and prison time.

Hero Or Turncoat
Instead of being a hero, perhaps McCain is showing the face of a coward under the campaign's rigorous fire. This begs the question of his heroism: was McCain a real hero, or a turncoat to the Vietmanese for special treatment, and his obvious embracing sponsoring of Viet Nam government officials, including the disgusting cover-up of American MIA's. True heros do not laude themselves for their service or political advantage. They simply do it and not talk about it. Ask Senators John Kerry and Chuck Hagel. McCain uses his POW time as PR capitol. Does being a POW justify McCain as being a war hero and the president, or just another POW survivor from the rigors of war. There are enough of these unfortunates to go around to go around.

Boomerang Effect
John McCain and Sarah Palin's attack antics and staying off issues during the Republican presidential campaign are not going well with the voters (and the media.) Their consisent aggression is having a boomerang effect that haunts them, and turning the voter off.
Their sleazy, low moral tactics will insure an Obama landslide in November. The American people cannot be fooled by rhetoric with no substance.

What ever happened to the civilized campaign John McCain promised the American voters he would conduct? Once again, McCain lies.