Saturday, January 5, 2008

Washington Republicans Raid Social Security Funds

President Bill Clinton left office and Social Security was in fine shape. He considered it the American worker's money and had a reverence towards it.

Fast forward: Remember during the debates, when George Bush promised Al Gore, and all Americans he would consider Social Security a locked box, and would not touch a penny of it for any reason.

Well, he lied about that, he lied to all Americans on national television. He had no intention of leaving those funds alone. George did not care one bit for future generations if they had the money as intended when the funds were set aside. American workers paid their hard earned money to a government they trusted for safe keeping. It is money they set aside in Social Security for their future. They never intended it to be a gigantic slush fund for Bush's financing of his personal projects, like the Iraq war.

Well, Bush lied to us! He and his Washington cabal of crony's literally took money he agreed not to take, and spent it for a war in Iraq he wanted , planned for, and lied to the American people about the contrived reasons for invading Iraq. He mongered on fear to cajole us. We were fooled because we trusted him.

Who holds this Imperial President and his Republican cronys, the Cheneys, Libbys, Rice, Rumsfeld, and all the President's people accountable for this horrendous debacle?
Where are the voices of the Republicans in charge for the past seven years, and the minority Democrat leaders? Where is the blustering chatter of questions from the media? Where is their patriotic posturing of outcries for the literal theft of funds from future generations of Americans.

When will we hold these people accountable for what they have done to our country and our people. If we do nothing, shame on us, from our passive silence, we get what we deserve!

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