Friday, March 28, 2008

No earmarks for McCain. Does Arizona suffer from his irrational beliefs?

John McCain, Republican presidential candidate takes a point of pride in touting to the American people and the Republican Party that in his 21 years as a US Senator from Arizona, he has never requested a penny in government earmarks for his home state for their worthy projects. His Democratic counterparts have requested millions in needed earmark funds for their represented states. Most have been for good, valuable causes.

Consequently, Arizona received no funds from John McCain's office. One can suppose he feels there are no veteran's needs, hospitals, schools, highways, law enforcement civic needs, or Border projects for men and equipment that can use government funds to assist them in fighting the illegal border crossing McCain is so fond of flaunting the need for help.

So Arizona, your senator has let your down. Are you are satisfied with his attitude and irrational beliefs.? But, are they missing out, and not getting the financial support from your senator.

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