Saturday, November 21, 2009

Open letter to the President:

Why are we fighting in Afghanistan?

The recent pseudo-election of the Karzai government has indicated how grossly unstable that government really is. It is an unworthy partner, there is corruption on every level that makes the idea of doing business with them a joke.There are no control over the corruption going on in either the government or Taliban. The country is one of the world's largest drug suppliers and we are fighting to save their asses. Incredible!

Is this what we are all about? Is this what we are sacrificing our youth and treasure for? Are we that stupid we will fight a war because of the clash of culture and their differences? The American people do not want us in Afghanistan. You know it, listen to the distress in the people's voices.

Inherited a weak nation and economy!

Mr. President, you inherited a dying, anaemic country. Our nation was collapsing from within, spurred on by big business, the Neocons and the decimation of the financial and home markets. We have the highest unemployment rate since the great depression. It took eight years of
Republican Neocon treachery and two wars to get us in this depression. We will recover, but it is a slow process and will take more than a year. You cannot be expected to be a miracle worker. The problem will not be solved in a year, or probably in a single term.

Americans are war weary.

Americans are weary of war. They yearn for peace. They think in terms of peace. What does it take to secure peace? Our military thinks in terms of fighting and winning. It is their mantra. They can only think of winning, it is ingrained in their training and psyche. War and winning is what they have been trained to do, it is their road to glory. They must not be allowed to prevail and drag us deeper into a war in Afghanistan. You Mr. President, can stop them and their war making philosophies.

The enemy is al Qaeda, not the Taliban.

The Taliban is not our enemy. We are in Afghanistan to find Bin Laden. However, we have invaded their country, looked at disdain on their culture because it is not like ours, and started acting as occupiers.
Wouldn't we fight back if someone invaded our country, and didn't we after 9/11 ? But, we went after the wrong people when we invaded Iraq, didn't we? We know it was al Qaeda that was responsible for the 9/11 atrocious killing 3,000 people, not the Taliban! What is our policy that gives us the right to invade Afghanistan, a sovereign nation with a tremendous force under the guise of capturing al Qaeda, who uses terrorism as a weapon world wide. With this act of revenge, we opened a can of worms that will take bold moves to extricate ourselves.

The American policy of going after al Qaeda should b just that. We do not need to send more of our youth and treasure to a General's self styled war. That is reckless behavior.

Bring our people home.

If we want to commit to capturing al Qaeda, do it with Special Ops units, that their type of mission. We need to bring our troops home, not put more with targets on their backs. Bring them home and get them out of harms way. Mr. President, if you want to fight al Qaeda, then be prepared to fight world wide because they are a world wide organization. The Fort Hood incident should give you pause to think how good is our human intelligence right under our noses..

You know what has to be done Mr. President. No more troops to Afghanistan and bring home the troops currently serving there. Recently we found out that it will cost us one million dollars per man to fight in Afghanistan. And for every soldier we deploy, there is a contractor in support. Can we afford the price tag on a war we cannot win. Have we learned nothing from the Russians?

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