Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why Tiger: When You Had So Much?

Let me say that Tiger Woods with his alleged affairs has broken no laws, but, has behaved in a very immoral manner for an athlete role model. It is clear Tiger has many distorted, or mistaken beliefs, and acts out on them because he deeply believes he deserves them as rewards for his outstanding golf performance, and will not be caught in his unsavory behavior.

Poor Tiger Woods, the narcissistic man surly appears to be a control freak, evidenced by the setting up of a public apolpgy that aired nation wide. Once again, Tiger was going to have it his way. And the media once again were gleefully sucked into his game plan. Is this really national news? It is doubtful if Tiger Woods is really sorry, except that his wife caught him cheating on her, confronted him, and the media unraveled his sordid lifestyle publicly.

He has spent a very short time in therapy, being a quick learner, he was there just long enough to learn the vernacular of therapy with impact words and terms like: "responsible, sorry, hurt my family, contrition and change."

Tiger Woods claims his affairs is a problem between he and his wife, and he is probably right, it is a family matter. However, why is he apologizing to the world with a publicity stunt on national television?

The problem is, Tiger Woods is sorry that he has been exposed for the immoral person he is, and his sordid behavior has been made known to the masses. All this hype is for two reasons. What Tiger Woods really wants is to play competitive golf again, and to regain his sponsors (the money factor).

The way he set up his bland apology on national television, seems to indicate he is still a controlling person. He believes he is a victim, and not another immoral and dysfunctional athlete who is exposed. If he desires to maintain this charade, perhaps Tiger should have acting lesson on his agenda.

Yet, every man is fully entitled to change, however to do it, core beliefs that led to dysfunctional behaviors must be exposed and challenged. This is not easy to do. It is a journey that takes courage and hard introspection. We wish him well on his journey. He is the world's greatest golfer.

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