Saturday, February 9, 2008

John McCain: Republican hip shooter with a forked tongue!

Senator John McCain use to be a decent senator from Arizona. He was likable, until he started shooting from the hip, and speaking with a forked tongue. The trouble with hip shooters is they leave ridiculous messes behind to be cleaned up by others. A forked tongue is one that cannot be trusted with truth.

The Republicans say McCain is a political maverick. Political mavericks are generally political independents. He is not an Independent or maverick! He is a divisive, opportunistic politico who will do and say whatever it takes to get elected. He claims to be a straight talker. However, he adroitly picks and chooses politically what he talks straight about. When his campaign was at death's door, he started kissing and kissing the right wing Conservatives and Evangelicals. They saw through his puckered lips and in the recent Super Tuesday, he was rightly snubbed. They gave their votes to Huckabee. McCain would not make a pimple on an Independents arse.

Now John McCain has to start kissing right wingers all over again. But, the Conservatives and particularly Evangelicals have long memories of betrayal. They remember the the betrayal from another kiss.

John McCain co-sponsored the "Use of Force Authorization" giving Bush a go-ahead green light and a blank check for invading Iraq. [SJ Res 46,10.3.02] He used many of the inflammatory, weightless fear arguments Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush used to advocate war. His political reputation as an senator and Iraq war hawk hangs with this sad, pathetic trio, and his vote to rush to their much wanted war.

He thinks, and vehemently states the Iraq surge is working and preaches; winning, winning, winning. But, he does not say or acknowledge the military people agree it is a war we "cannot" win. He will not talk in any detail about why the surge was done; that is to buy time for Iraq's parliament to form a constitutionally, functional government. This can only be done through a political solution.

He continuously preaches winning in Iraq while demonizing those who want to find a responsible way out of Iraq. It is a wildly false perception. McCain says, "I believe to set a date for withdrawal is to set a date for surrender." Saying he is willing to stay as occupiers for a hundred years. "It would be just fine with me." He calls his colleagues who opposed the resolution for troop surge as "intellectually dishonest."[Associated Press 2.4.2007]

He jumps from issue to issue like a cat prancing on a Arizona hot tin roof. He opposed the creation of an independent commission to investigate the errant development and use of intelligence manufactured to lead us to war. In essence, John McCain voted against holding Bush accountable for his actions in the war. His straight-talk, is typical McCain shooting from the hip. It is far from what American Conservatives, or Liberals consider as straight talk.

McCain is one of only thirteen senators to vote against adding $430 million for inpatient/outpatient care for veterans. [S Admt 3642 to HR 4939 , Vote 98, 4.26.06]

He voted against mandatory minimum downtime between tours of duty for troops serving in Iraq. So much for caring for our "brave sons and daughters" serving our nation.

He is a Bush war hawk, a war mongerer, but openly wanted to get rid of Rumsfeld. However, on 5.12.2004 McCain said about Rumsfeld's continuing as an effective secretary of defense. "Yes , I do and I believe he's done a fine job. He's an honorable man. " Why the flip-flop on the war directions?

John McCain is not a good conservative Republican package with wide appeal. Beneath his rancorous facade, he really offers no consistent, suitable, acceptable programs or policies or the good of the nation. He is for continuing the Iraq war, but thinks government has too much deficit spending. How can McCain be for both?

He is non-definitive, not a conservative or liberal. He is a seventy-one year old man whose time has not come, but is over. He is an often out of control abusive, angry man with a quick hair-trigger temper he often unleashes disrespectfully aimed at his critics or Republican colleagues, calling them vile, guttural names. Is this the temperament we want in a president?

McCain consistently champions and co-sponsors bills, then votes against them. He voted against the Bush tax cut saying the money should go to the lower and middle classes who need it and can rapidly feed it into our economy. Now, he is for making the tax cuts permanent. Does he need the influx of campaign funds from those wealthy people and Wall Street corporations? Probably!

For three years, McCain championed the highly controversial Immigration Reform efforts for a viable solution to our immigration problems. It was a good idea that dealt with a serious problem. Many Democrats were with him, but, it infuriated the Conservatives. When asked recently if as president would he sign the bill into law? He responded with a taciturn. "No, I would not because we know what the situation is today." The situation is political, as McCain is now the presidential Republican front-runner. He continues jumping issues like the cat on the hot tin roof.

Senator McCain ignored the recent Senate stimulus vote on whether to make 20 million seniors and 250,000 disabled veterans eligible for rebate checks as part of the package. The vote was within one, his vote could have made a difference. But, by not standing for the deciding vote, he once again showed he did not have the political guts to support his fellow seniors and veterans as part of the stimulus package. There is a huge chasm between his rhetoric and action.

The conservatives do not like him or his values, they are polarized. But quietly, they are afraid of losing the White House for at least eight years to the Democrats. He has rubbed their face in the dirt with his provocative rhetoric and votes. The liberals do not want him for the same reasons...John McCain cannot be trusted in the White House to do the will, and work of the people. He shoots from the hip and speaks with a forked tongue. Go figure!

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