Saturday, February 7, 2009

Enough Already: Seat Al Franken In The Senate

America has enough of the Republican nonsense over who gets the Minnesota Senator's seat. The Republican's never cease to be obstructionists, and don't give a damn about the people. Al Franken has been clearly declared the winner. However, it is a Republican ploy to keep Franken from taking his rightful place in the Senate.

Franken is the key to 60 votes on the Democratic side and the Republican's know it . They can not afford to to seat him because he is a swing vote for the Democrats. Consequently, they use every whine in the Republican playbook to keep Al Franken in a limbo state.

Let Franken Be Seated In The Senate
Let the Senate have some "balls" and seat Franken. The senate has already locked Coleman's office doors and the Senate rules committee has declared his term "expired" and dropped his name from the Senate phone book. The Republicans will puff, scream and challenge,but let the Senate act responsibly and seat Al Franken. It is the right thing to do. The Republicans are always sore losers when they don't get what they want. They simply use obstructionist delaying tactics.

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