Wednesday, November 24, 2010

AZ Senator John Kyl: Republican Charlatan

You have to hand it to Arizona Senator Jon Kyl, he is a man of guts, and no integrity. He is a Neocon charlatan, and smirks for his repulsive behavior. Oh yes, he is a hypocrite.

It seems that three (3) days after the Senate voted to ban Earmarks, Senator Kyl was capable of getting $200, 000,000 dollars (Two hundred million) for his pet Arizona project. In doing so, Senator Kyl told America, he was beyond the Earmark ban. He is just another Neocon saying "Screw you" to the American taxpayers.

Incidentally, it does not matter what the money was for, it is the principle that matters: that we have the Number two Republican acting like a charlatan and having his own willful rogue way.
So, why doesn't Senator John McCain flap his fat lips. Probably because he is a rogue too. Forget that maverick shit!

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