Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Republican administration plundered our youth and treasure, gave us a recession, and now they want to make nice!

Get serious America! How long do the Republicans think they can rape our minds and national treasure before in bites them in the proverbial arse?

It appears seven years is the magic Neocon number of total Republican government ineptness and arrogance towards the American people. will be tolerated. These are the insolent people who declared war on the middle class, promptly forgetting them while giving the biggest tax break in history to the wealthy and corporations.

These are the Washington Neocons who bled this nation's treasure and our youth with an unwanted, mindless war in Iraq, and have not provided sensible/workable policies to resolve the catastrophic immigration problem. These are the audacious people who continuously put our nation, and our children's future up for hock by borrowing incredible sums of money from other nations like China and Saudi Arabia. They have made us a serious debtor nation!

They secretly promoted torture, like water-boarding, gave us Gitmo, Abu Ghrab, and secret black opp prisons outside the US for torturing so called enemies. Then claim is is a figment our our imagination and do not exist. Remember they said: "America does not torture!." The photos prove that is a lie. Recently, the CIA was directed to erase video tapes of interrogations where water-boarding torture is being performed.

These are the folks who for their convenience suspended out the Constitution, threw out Habeas Corpus, warrantless wire taps, and established the right to open US Mail. they are responsible for the incredible abuse of help and abandonment of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, their Homeland Security fiasco, the exorbitant civilian contractors and the aggressive Blackwater cowboys in Iraq. And remember how with baseless , untrue oratory, they tried to frighten our people with continuous fear rants and conceited threats of preemptive war strikes to Iran ( a sovereign nation) over their nuclear programs. Even had their presidential candidate, a laughing John McCain worked up singing, "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!" on national TV to the old Beach boys tune of Barbara Ann.

Don't let your memories be so short, these are the people in power who brought us the stonewalling of Don Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby and Alberto Gonzales, and then shoved them down our throats until we gagged.

These are the power brokers who instituted outrageous public policies bringing our country the crushing economic and financial crisis in the housing market with the tentacles of a global recession emanating from our shores.

When you buy $3.00 a gallon gas, guess who brought you those wonderful record prices? When Clinton left office, gas was about $1.25 a gallon.

The Republicans refused to regulate institutions and critical markets that fostered deficit spending, bringing us to our insolvent knees forcing us with an unsustainable $13 trillion dollar economy.

These are the people who for the sake of a personal Neocon ideology broke this rich nation. And now, they want the Democrats to reach across the aisle and make nice with a $145 billion bailout package. A package that will do very little for our hemorrhaging economy brought about by the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market and Wall Street capitalists.

It is a Republican administration fraught with a litany of remarkable failures and lies from their first day in office. Remember what the Neocons have done to this country instituting reckless, irresponsible fiscal policies of the past seven years, leading to a trade deficit of over $6 trillion contributing to the worldwide plunge in the value of the US dollar.

Their bailout package is hardly a cure-all for our recession. It may ease the pain of some with the one time tax rebate. When those funds are spent are shortly spent by the consumers. What happens next, a stern request for additional funds? Their proposed $145 billion is money we do not have. It will be a short term band aid for a gaping wound causing deeper gashes in our financial and economic injuries. The Republican Neocons are not about to belly up, be responsible for their enormous collapse of a broken government.

And now, the Republicans want to make nice and act fast to cover their devious tracks. America, do not buy into it! If anything, it will be late spring before checks are in the mail. And then, it may be of little help.

They will sucker the Democrats in the House to do their pathetic pandering across the aisle to develop a bipartisan Republican bailout program that will do little to prevent , much less or even ride out the recession. This bailout in the House will have little imprint from the Democrats, the Republicans know they have the votes to block anything they want. They are not about to give the Democrats anything of real value.

America do not buy it! Let the Republicans be responsible. We should allow them to solve the mess they made and saddled us with on their tenure. Unfortunately, if we did, they would exacerbate the problem, fanning the fires of Republican failures. Giving tax rebates to the high income families from $150 to $300 thousand a year income is Republican ploy, when the money is really needed by the lower and middle class who can immediately put it into our economy. Our precious nation is caught between a political rock and a hard place!

However, there is hope the Senate Democrats will balk, want to develop and produce a realistic stimulus policy and programs structured to the lower and middle class, senior citizens, food stamps, and extended unemployment, programs with meat that immediately attacks the problem, cutting deep into solving this country's repulsive financial ills. Hopefully, it will be programs taking the job far beyond being a stupid Republican band aid for a mortal wound.

It has reached the point when the dogs of anger are barring their teeth and ready to bite. Bare up Neocons. Your time has come.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Immigration: Why are Republicans afraid to do the right thing.

We have a severe problem in our country with immigration. It is a festering open wound tearing our nation apart. It hangs like a dark pall over our country. Our Republican leaders acknowledge it is a major problem, but ignore the problem. They have consistently used their votes in congress to block any proposed Democratic solutions.

In our history with immigration, America can never be accused of doing the right thing for immigrants arriving in our country through Ellis Island. We observed quotas, to be sure. But that is where the responsibility of government stopped. We changed people's names. split families, even sent families back to their native soil. All done in the name of our immigration policies and convenience.

Once immigrants were passed through Ellis Island, our government forgot about our descendant's, our great grand-parents, our mothers and fathers. They were on their own, a hardy class settling in ethnic friendly ghettos to make their way and earn a living. The Irish, Germans, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Dutch, Chinese and Russians kept their religions, language and cultures in ethnic societies. Our nation is enriched by it. Most were treated with prejudice as second class people even preyed upon by the established American citizens defending society from who they considered immigrant riff-raff.

They endured difficult time, making their way in this rough country, yet they persevered. Most of us know their stories passed down from generations. They came to this country for a better life, for freedom and work. Few were welcome, except by their ethnic groups. They took menial jobs, worked hard, lived hand to mouth, were frugal and saved for the future. They opened businesses, retails shops, and farms. Most raised their children, educated their families and survived. Over generations they assimilated into our society as good citizens. Our government let them alone and they generally prospered.

Today, in many major cities, they represent a centralized cultural destination point, as Chinatown in San Francisco

So now, we are in a so called immigration crisis. based on Republican politico's intolerance and fear mongering they call a crisis of undocumented immigrants, focusing particularly on the undocumented migrant workers, whom they demonize by calling them "illegal aliens." We have all heard these slurs before, vicious names gutturally coined for a specific ethnic group.

We know who they are specifically talking about when they refer to the term "illegal aliens." It is the Mexicans and South American immigrants who have taken risks and illegally crossed the border for precious jobs, working for money to raise their families, and the freedom to work those jobs. They have the same idea as our descendants. Many have been working paying taxes for generations. Like our forefathers they have absorbed the pattern of survival, doing menial work, picking our vegetables and fruit, cutting our lawns, cleaning our hotel rooms, serving our meals. The have endured, raised and educated their families, gone into business and served our nation in war.

Today, it is the Republican politicos who simply do not want these immigrants here because they are undocumented, and have broken our law by coming here. It is a ploy, a political expedient mantra to emotionally work us to a frenzy of anger, prey on our psyche and gain your vote. They spread fear of undocumented immigrants and their families taking over our country with fears of impacting our health care, education and low labor costs. Now, their rhetoric is broken borders and national security beating the tired angry drum.

Republican politicos estimate we have at least twelve million undocumented immigrants in our country. Some research indicates it is higher. Six an a half million are undocumented workers. According to the New York Times, they contributed seven billion dollars into the Social Security system last year, receiving no benefits. This tax contribution represents about 10 percent of the current Social Security surplus. And, the Social security Administration estimated that three quarters of undocumented immigrants pay Social Security tax. For the taxes they pay, we can buy a lot of health care and education with seven billion dollars.

Consider these immigrants numbers as a whole country or state of people our Republican politicians cavalierly dismiss as 'unwanted," preach loudly about rounding them up and sending them home, or forcing them and their families to return to their native country by intimidating businesses to take the work from them. If the work is withdrawn, several industries like agriculture and hospitality may suffer economic instability. And, what happens if the native countries denies this influx of twelve million access to the country, simply refusing to let them in. That is another can of worms ill considered. Does the term "refugee camps" ring a bell?

The truth is, we have an estimated twelve million or more undocumented people living in this country that are politically unwanted. While the Republican politicos like to rant and rage how they broke the law crossing our borders, the reality is, they are here, and they simply do not know what to do with them, or any idea they can agree to solving the problem. Their rhetoric is a cover-up for their inaction to resolve the problem. Every day, the situation becomes thornier. The Republicans are not part of the solution. They are the problem. Their feverish rhetoric has attempted to whip American citizens into an angry lather against the undocumented immigrants, stressing they broke the law and should be punished for doing it. Many have bought this insipid rhetoric. However the politicos offer no sensible, tolerable, workable solutions, just angry rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric!

John McCain on "Meet the Press" 1.27.2008 says we have two million immigrants incarcerated in our prison system. This sounds like a highly inflated number, but let's use it. They are Senator McCain's numbers. Senator McCain agrees they should b e sent back to their native country, and they should!

Why haven't they done it? Why over the past seven years have the Republicans in power put the financial burden of warehousing these prisoners on the American people and our states? What is the cost of housing two million prisoners at $25,000 each per year? We can buy some decent education and health care for those funds!

Why haven't they been returned to their native country and relieve our prison system of this financial burden? There are laws on the books to accommodate this action. Many are incarcerated in private prisons...which are businesses and low paying local jobs.

The freedom spoiled Republican politicos do not seem to realize freedom is such a precious way of life people will do just about anything to gain it, and will fight to keep it. They will live in fear and hiding for years to keep it. Ask the people about freedom who risked their lives to get past the Berlin Wall how precious freedom is.

Now, we are clamoring for a wall, it's not a fence, but a high wall, electronic devices, increased border personnel and aircraft to survey our broken borders with Mexico. Why has this not been done over the past seven years? The technology has been there...the Republican will has not!

When will the Republicans get an infusion memory and humanity in their conservative blood?
Most of them have forefathers that paid a high price for their freedom to run at the mouth about the laws and degrade the status of other people. In their spectacle of the adulation of business and wealth, have they forgotten where they came from and how the way was paid for them?

The Republican charge we have to secure the border first. OK, that is sound, but can't they do multi-tasking , do more than one thing at a time. Why has the border not been secured in the past seven years of the current all Republican administration if it was so critical? It could have been don, but the time was squandered by congressional inaction. Why?

Americans talk about how they like to do the right thing. When you settle back and relax over a drink in your home, ask yourself: "Why are we afraid to do the right thing? Where are our arms reaching out to embrace these culturally rich people in the American tradition of our forefathers?"

Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's A Recession, Stupid!

Candidate Bush, told the American people he wanted to bring the Nation together, he wanted a transparent government, and that he was a uniter, protector of the people. We trusted him to live up to his promises. As President, Bush promptly forgot his mantra when elected, had his way stringently supported by the Republicans to get his way, and do what he wants. Our Nation is economically crippled and paying the price for his folly as President.

Federal Reserve Chairman , Ben Bernake appeared before a congressional hearing recently discussing the need for a stimulus package to forestall the financial tail spin of the American Economy. The Bush Republican government believes the economy is very sound. Yet, he is very busy avoiding, and in some instances denying what the American people have known for the past few months. The nation is in a recession. Bush calls it a down-turn. Face it Mr. President, we are not heading for one, our economy is in a recession. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake advises the stimulus has to be done quickly, or it will be counter productive.

None of this hubbub over the economy comes as any surprise to the suffering middle class, who have been living it for a long time, bearing the brunt of this governments stupidity: the failing economy, the result of excessive unchecked government spending and borrowing , the mortgage crisis with its earth shattering amount of foreclosures of homes especially in the Midwest and heartland, tightening credit, the stock market out of control, not to mention the unsound fiscal polices of the Bush administration with their borrowing to finance the the unwanted Iraq war. And the relentless assault on what Bush considers his private bank, our Social Security funds.

President Bush on a recent television appearance indicated we are not recession bound, but we need to take precautions with a 150 billion dollar "growth" package. This is no growth package, even a stimulus package but a bail out. Pure and simple. Who is going to pay for it...China! On which planet do you live, Mr. President!

Now Bush is practically begging for his growth package, asking both sides of the aisle to to co-operate on a bipartisan basis. This is an empty gesture coming from the boys and girls who worked diligently over the past seven years to bring us to this situation. They have made it a bragging point not to cooperate with the Democrats, blocking most all of the bills the Democrats have proposed., especially on funding and ending the Iraq war. Republicans do not care one iota about the middle class. Who they really care about are the fat cats on Wall Street who brought about the mortgage crisis, and do not want to be held accountable to the incredible breech of faith with home owners they seduced and gouged only satisfy their own financial greed.

The Democratic presidential candidates know the frustration and feelings of the people. They hear their voices loud and clear every town hall they speak, all over the country. The front runners are establishing help to pained Americans whose government has let them down in their time of need. They know something must be done. Before this crisis took life, Hillary Clinton saw the problem, took the lead. She didn't wait, she offered an emergency 70 billion dollar stimulus package to boost the economy. In it was recommendation to freeze the mortgages for the next 90 days to give time to the homeowners to work their situations out with lenders and put the onus on the lenders ot solve the problem. She acted with her package much before Bush even talked about his "growth" package. The Democrats know what has to be done and will make the ideological arguments and fights. They have to stand for the middle class who is struggling to keep their lives afloat and pay their bills. Certainly the government is not held to this standard.

Democrats on Capitol Hill are very suspicious of the President's proposal. Many are indignant and upset because the Bush proposals do not include relief for the lower level income and the middle class.

Whether the Republicans do hear the people is hard to say, with the exception of Ron Paul who has been preaching about the Bush errant fiscal policies for the past seven years.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Ron Paul: Thorn In The Republican's Side.

For years Representative Ron Paul, Republican presidential candidate has been outspoken about the problems, and direction of the country. Ron Paul speaks with dedicated passion and fervor about identifying and solving America's ills. He has been a painful thorn in the side of the Neocon Bush Republicans who consider themselves as ultra Conservatives. Ron Paul considers himself a Conservative and a Constitutionalists, his views and questions show it. They do not like his consistent responses and discussions he provides about Republican so called Conservative politicians not respecting Conservatism, or the Constitution.

In a recent debate, I watched as the Neocon FOX reporters baited Paul with questions. He gave them answers the clearly did not like or appreciate. but the people in the audience did judging by the vociferous audience response. Here is some Ron Paul answers Republicans clearly do not want to hear.

Do away with the income tax, get rid of CIA and NSA, stop spying on the citizens. Return American's their civil liberties, get out of Iraq, we do not have the right to invade a sovereign country, so stop the invasions of them and stop the fanatic war rhetoric about Iran. Stop raiding Social Security and keep it solvent. Balance the budget, and above all, cut the outrageous Neocon spending and borrowing from nations that has made us toothless tigers and put America on the brink of insolvency, becoming a severe debtor nation in the eyes of the world. Why the price of oil is teetering on $100 a barrel, and what will be its impact on our economy? He would like to see Congress curtail and control imports from China without any check and product safeguards . Ron Paul would like us to adhere to the Constitution and it principals. Sounds like things Americans would like to have done.

The FOX panel of questioners appeared perplexed, and quickly cut him off by switching to another candidate.

Ron Paul asks important questions all Americans want to know the answers. Why we have a broken Mexican Border? How did it get broken? Why the Republican Neocon's in control of Congress have done nothing about securing the border in the past seven years? The Republicans agree that Washington is broken. However, Neocon Conservatives have no claim to breaking Washington. They did little, and let it fall apart. In fact, few Republicans take any accountability for the woeful state of America. they will never admit the government became broken on their watch because they were seduced by their own importance of political power and control.

Sadly, we will never hear the media political observers ask these questions of the Republican candidates. However, listen to the Democrat candidates, they ask the questions all the time, and have put forth solution not simply empty rhetoric.

Why should Americans elect, and re-elect people to Congress who have done their utmost to weaken and destroy our country? Think about it Representative Paul, maybe, just maybe you might be in the wrong party!

Senator John McCain: One Liners With No Substance

Senator John McCain certainly does deserve our respect. He is a war hero and spent many years in the Senate as a Republican from Arizona. His name is on some fine across the aisle legislation and bills. And McCain has served on some good committees.

He was against Don Rumsfeld 's war behaviors as Secretary of Defense, calling for his resignation. But who was not? He had his moments. But as a Republican Senator, he has failed his state and country.

Senator John McCain says he tells it like it is, with his burley "Straight Talk." He can be a likable, funny guy. On his campaign trail Senator McCain delivers little stories and one liners to communicate to people. They are folksy and he adds cute little twists.

However, Senator McCain is dead serious. I watched him deliver a speech in Detroit. He started with his cute rhetoric, got laughs and proceeds to tell his audience nothing! Oh, he boasts about how he can do things, and how he knows what to do. He speaks in high generalities, rarely giving details of how he is going to do a program and where he is going to get the money to do it. Platitudes!

He is talking to people who have lost their jobs, have the highest unemployment rate in the country, many have lost their homes from the mortgage crunch. These are people hanging on by a thin thread of humanity, many on the edge of survival. They are looking for solutions to their problems auto industry woes, of health insurance, immigration, education for their kids, and jobs shipped out of the country and the mortgage crisis. McCain calls them "My friends," they are looking to him as some possible savior. They come to hear McCain give them answers... and get cutesy rhetoric.

Senator McCain talked about the issue of making the broken Mexican Borders secure. Well, McCain has been a Senator from Arizona for some years, and in the Senate all the while Bush was the president for the past seven years. The Mexican border may have been broken for that period of time, even longer. The Republicans have been in control of the congress until last year, and now, they want to fix a broken Mexican border?

Why didn't the Republicans who were in charge, want to fix the border sometime in the last seven years? Now, they cry it a National Security problem. That is always a good gimmick, especially after the Republicans permitted 9/11 to occur by fifteen Saudis, and then pandered their fear mongering rhetoric as National Security on every thing they touched. They are aware the Mexican Border would be a thorny subject to Americans struggling for survival. So National Security is a good pretext.

The American people are not stupid. The Republicans only think they are. They can see through the Republican the ruse of political games of lies and distortions used to get their agenda filled. I cannot imagine how many Mexicans are illegally coming to this country in search of jobs and a better way of life, are really coming here to do us harm. I am sure I can count it on one hand.

Senator McCain offered a retraining program for unemployed Michigan workers, training at places like the Community Colleges to prepare them for new jobs they can do. Which new jobs Senator? From what sectors of business and industry? How will you fund this money for this project and for how long? Where are the details of your program Senator?

In your speech you told the Michigan people to trust you to do what is right. What is right for you, may not be right for me. Senator, I do not trust any one who asks for their trust to do what is right for me. give me the details of what you will do, how long it will take, expected results, how you will fund it and the impact on our economy and lifestyle.

Don't get folksy and cutesy Senator. This is serious business. We do not need a comedian with a mouthful of one liners. Give us some substance, something to chew on, or get out of the way!

If McCain does get the nod as the presidential candidate for the Republican party, look for him to select the guy he has been cozying up with these days as vice president...Democrat turned Independent Senator Joe Lieberman!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Political Observers Interpetations Lose The People's Trust.

If you have watched the political arena unfolding over the past several months, and how can you get away from them? The media reporters are eagerly trying to be strategists and and Sooth-Sayers for the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates.

All to often, they have been wrong in their sooth-saying and appear to really know very little of the candidates inside strategy. The media reporters like us to believe they have have an inside track on the candidates, their thinking, behaviors, and feelings. They do not! It is clear the voting in New Hampshire showed reporters and political observers were caught up in their own rationalization, and severely lacked professional insight and knowledge, even the ability to keep their mouths shut when they don't know, but are guessing.

I witnessed one respected commentator on MSNBC lecturing to his panel of experts on what Hillary Clinton should be doing, and what her problems are, and how to be more likable. I frankly never knew, or considered Hillery was not electable or likable, until the reporters and political observers started saying it. Then, I was sure she was electable and likable.

One reporter for CNN recently questioned Hillary's moment of humanity when she talked to the people as being contrived. Any person with the smallest amount of understanding could see, it was a sensitive moment when Hillary Clinton showed she was a fatigued, vulnerable human being in a personal moment relating to her audience. The interview with the people was shown over and over again labeled as: "Hillary's Emotional Breakdown!" A sad commentary on that particular network.

We should remember, these candidates Democrats and Republicans are people with all the humanity of people. Several of them are on a grinding schedule that would give mental pause for the most courageous of us. We do not have to agree with them but, give them tribute for their tiring effort. Listen with an open mind to what they say, do they have viable programs contributing to solving America's economy crisis, immigration, health care, Privacy issues, civil liberties, Iraq War, mortgage crisis, education of our people, Iran, Social Security and Medicare. What do they think about our being either in, or on the brink of a recession? What is their position on the Constitution as a governing document? Do the candidates provide the cogent details of what they offer, and how they will get the money to pay for it.

Many politicians like to talk in generalities of what they say, they will do, or actions we need to take. Listen to hear if they are talking to you, or courting a base. If they can't give you details of their plans and solutions, they aren't risking anything. It is all rhetoric to suck us in emotionally, but no answers. Above all, we know the media's political bias. So what, they are the talking "Yes people" of the base, and often are wrong. Listen to the candidates, and do not allow reporters to interpret what the candidates say using their particular spin.

The American people had seven years of a president and his rogue
Neocon administrations not hearing the voice of the people, and doing what they want. The American people do not want the experience again.

Let the candidates speak for themselves. We can hear, think and see behaviors for our self. We should not require anyone to interpret for us, especially the failed sooth-Sayers of the media.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Media Greed Allows The Political Deceptions

In the past, when our advertising agency placed national advertising with the networks, every television commercial and print ad submitted had to be reviewed by the networks and publication for truth. The agency had to prove what we claimed in the commercials and print ads were accurate and true before the commercials went on the air or in print. This is a good concept. Truth in advertising keeps the marketing agencies honest (No unsubstantiated claims) and the networks and publications fair minded, and watching out for the consumer.

Then came the the local and national political candidates, campaigns, and their humongous media budgets, followed by the pandering media, dollar signs bulging in their eyes. feeding their insatiable greed. The media is well aware political advertising kicks in very high dollars nationwide. It comes from mega-millions of dollars from the Democrats and Republicans spend on fueling their campaigns. The media wants their share, they have the only game in town, so what if they have to make some ethics adjustments to allow for distortions of information and truth to be broadcast over the airwaves by ambiguous statements, even character assassination by lies and innuendos. They get their share of the political coffers...and it is all CASH. Politicians cannot buy on credit as GE or General Motors. it is cash up front...or no playtime. The media is not going to be stuck for the money of a failed politician's program. They love them, but not that much.

When it comes to the political campaigns, the media threw out the truth in advertising concept. The politicos unfortunately, can say, and do anything they want. There is a hypocritical aspect of the media jaded for the sake of greed, that equates to big dollars. When it comes to political advertising, the consumer has no protection. They are alone, the have to see and review the advertising in their own minds. They have to ferret through the slick grinning candidates faces telling outright lies, distortions and innuendos the politicians spew over the airwaves in their commercial advertising. They have to find truth. One aspect of political campaigns the media, the candidates, their strategists should remember, "The politicians need the media as a communications tool to the reach masses nationally, regionally and locally. They have the prized demographics to deliver the message. " Why can't they hold the candidates to honest and truthful messages as they do American's corporations in their advertising.

But wait a minute here, aren't we talking about distorted information being sent to the minds of our people? Where is the media's professional integrity? Why does the media not care about the political corruption of our minds, and the deliberate, and willing agreement to tacitly allow it to occur? What happened to the the truth in advertising concept? Why shouldn't the media hold the politicos to higher standards as they do Chrysler, General Mills, or Monsanto?

Is greed and profits so prevalent, the media mimics other businesses that do not care about the quality and competitive nature of their product? Has their greed out ranked their responsibility to manage their product with integrity? Has greed seduced the media so badly, they have lost their ethics of business practices.? W
hen will the media say; "Enough is enough, we have professional integrity, responsibility to our viewers and readers. Truth means more than profits."

Of course, it will happen after the election frenzy is over, and the big political dollars have dried up. The media will return to truth in advertising and business as usual.
But, wouldn't it be refreshing if the political candidates were held to telling the truth, shunning the lies, deceptions, distortions of their accomplishments, and the incessant character assassinations.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Democrats: Keep your Eyes On The Prize

When the Democrats are jockeying for position as to who will be the party nominee, they should all not forget to keep their eye on the prize...The White House!

All the Democratic candidates have strengths and weaknesses. It does the candidates no good to fight among themselves, squabbling with mean spirited name calling.rhetoric. They should be above that and take the high road, respecting the others perspectives They all agree this country desperately needs major changes in direction. Each candidate brings excellent ideas and programs on how to do make those changes.

John Edwards offers a clear personal passion for the middle class. He has fervor and compassion from this well remembered roots. John has the ability to fight for people. He has taken on corporate America like Insurance and Pharmaceutical companies, doing it all his adult life, and has been quite successful. He knows the law and how to use it. John Edwards knows the plight of the middle class and understands it. Has served as a Senator, and knows his way around the halls of Congress.

Hillary Clinton is the first woman running for president, a national phenom in that sense. She has been a first lady in the White House, and a well respected Senator from New York. Hillary has been an effective fighter for many causes since she graduated from law school . She is skilled, has the ability and know-how to get things accomplished by reaching out crossing the aisle to the Republicans. Many consider Hillary an Washington insider, it can be a mistake, she has the knowledge, but not the moral destitute
of an insider. She is a very strong, popular Senator from New York.

Barack Obama is the first black man to run for president, he has the fire and the language to move people. His use of language is engaging, often stunning. He offers programs similar to the other candidates. He motivates young people to rise to the cause. He has passion and wants change so bad he can taste it. Barack is the voice of change, He is a first term Senator from Illinois. Barack would be doing the Democratic party and himself a great good if he provided more information about how he would accomplish his programs.

The Democrats have astute and well qualified candidates, anyone of them would be an excellent president, many superior in cabinet positions.. The goal is not to beat up on each other with cynical
vilification and pettiness. We are beyond these tawdry exercises. I ask the candidates to bring out what they will do for America and how will do it? What type of people they will have as vice president and cabinet members. After all, we are electing a political culture with policies and procedures to run this country. Let us see your choices.of people. Stop beating up on each other. Keep your eyes on the prize...the White House! It is yours to lose.

Romney and Bush Breed The Same Ideology

If you listen to Mitt Romney and listen to George Bush, you hear the preacher preaching to the choir. For all his rhetoric the two are born of the same ideology. Romney defends the Bush policies like a mother defends a her child. He was pretty irate with Governor Mike Huckabee when he said Bush had a bunker mentality. I listened to Romney's rebuttal and heard nothing new except the same old Republican patronizing gibberish. There wasn't even a new twist.

While Mitt Romney makes and attractive package, once we get the wrapping off and see inside the box, we find he offers no workable solutions to our country's current ills in Iraq, no real answers for the immigration problem, (Send them all back; out of sight, out of mind), certainly no substantial program for a National Heath Care. He likes to call the Democratic health care solutions "socialized medicine" to demonize the concept. The Republicans are quite good at demonizing programs they don't like, and trying to redefine Democratic programs according to the Republican's distorted thinking.

American has had laws on the books for years structured to punish companies and corporations that use
undocumented workers (the Republicans like to call them "illegal aliens" to demean them.) Why haven't these laws been enforced? Why haven't an estimated two million undocumented aliens with criminal records residing in our prisons and jails been sent back to their home country by our government's Immigration Services? Why hasn't our government fined the corporations and businesses hiring undocumented workers to work their fields, factories, hotels, resorts and other places undocumented workers take needed jobs.

The laws have been there, but the Republicans only like to talk about doing something. Rarely in the past seven years has the Bush administration taken any action to resolve these problems.
Republican rhetoric is very big, unfortunately, their solutions are nil, after all, they have big business to protect.

There is one thing to be said, about Mitt Romney . He is very slick package, and his slickness is what he used to flip from one position to another. He tells the people he a right to change his mind, perhaps, but only when it
solidifies his position to court the Evangelicals, while not offering other candidates the same right without his taciturn criticism.

When Mitt Romney enters Michigan to campaigne against his bitter rival, Senator John McCain, he will be entering a part of our country that is hard hit economically and has severe job depression status. It is an area where health care, jobs being moved to China and India are important, as well as immigration and the constant drain on our treasure by the Iraq war and the status of the state of our economy are all critical problems.

Romney will try to live on his father's image and
coat-tails, (former Michigan govenor). It may pull him along for a bit. He will eventually have to rise to the occasion. He will have to offer substance in viable solutions to the economic problems of Michigan, particularly Detroit. Romney, says he is for change, but still holds on to failed Bush policies, which in the eyes of many makes him a failure too. He may have a voice, but he doesn't have an ear for the people. The only change he is for, is the right to change his mind when it is very convenient.

Listen closely to Mitt Romney's rhetoric, hear what he really says. He criticizes others with great fanfare, however he offers very little except an infectious smile and the adulation for continuation of the abysmal Bush policies. Mitt Romney is a Bush clone. A vote for him, is a vote for continuation of the
unctuous Bush Imperial presidency. The Republican Neocons know it, and are counting on it. Hasn't the American people had enough of playing political charades with our country's future?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Washington Republicans Raid Social Security Funds

President Bill Clinton left office and Social Security was in fine shape. He considered it the American worker's money and had a reverence towards it.

Fast forward: Remember during the debates, when George Bush promised Al Gore, and all Americans he would consider Social Security a locked box, and would not touch a penny of it for any reason.

Well, he lied about that, he lied to all Americans on national television. He had no intention of leaving those funds alone. George did not care one bit for future generations if they had the money as intended when the funds were set aside. American workers paid their hard earned money to a government they trusted for safe keeping. It is money they set aside in Social Security for their future. They never intended it to be a gigantic slush fund for Bush's financing of his personal projects, like the Iraq war.

Well, Bush lied to us! He and his Washington cabal of crony's literally took money he agreed not to take, and spent it for a war in Iraq he wanted , planned for, and lied to the American people about the contrived reasons for invading Iraq. He mongered on fear to cajole us. We were fooled because we trusted him.

Who holds this Imperial President and his Republican cronys, the Cheneys, Libbys, Rice, Rumsfeld, and all the President's people accountable for this horrendous debacle?
Where are the voices of the Republicans in charge for the past seven years, and the minority Democrat leaders? Where is the blustering chatter of questions from the media? Where is their patriotic posturing of outcries for the literal theft of funds from future generations of Americans.

When will we hold these people accountable for what they have done to our country and our people. If we do nothing, shame on us, from our passive silence, we get what we deserve!